Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today I interviewed one Glitch Braess, I have known Glitch for a while. Whenever he tries on a new hair style everyone throws a fit and he is forced to go back to his old one. His hair is so disteinct and wonderful I just wanna run over and nom on it, not to mention that he is quite the piece of eye candy!

Would dear ol' Loli lie to you about eye candy?

The answer is clearly no, she would not.

Now onto the interview!

[20:01] Lolibye Hermit: So Mister Glitch Tell me about your look

[20:02] Glitch Braess: No one else in S.L. has ever made hair remotely like this so I just had to make my own. lol

[20:03] Lolibye Hermit: What inspired your hair?

[20:04] Glitch Braess: Well, when I first started Second Life, my hair was just standard AV hair. And back then Prim Hair wasn't available in the inventory Library. So I looked quite a bit like Phillip Linden, except with black hair instead of red/orange.

[20:04] Glitch Braess: So when I went out to look for prim hair, I couldn't quite find what I was looking for, so eventually I just ended up spending hours making one of my own.

[20:05] Lolibye Hermit: I once saw an older pic of your hair and it was black what inspired the change to red?

[20:06] Glitch Braess: Actually, the way this hair is textured, I can change it to any color I want, really. lol

[20:06] Lolibye Hermit: But you stick with red?

[20:06] Glitch Braess: Yep, I've always liked red tipped spiked hair.

[20:12] Lolibye Hermit: Do you have any comments on the other aspects of your style?

[20:13] Glitch Braess: That I've made personally?

[20:13] Lolibye Hermit: It doesn't have to be what you made.

[20:13] Glitch Braess: I like going for a semi anime/real look. :)

[20:14] Lolibye Hermit: (( I don't know how to end interviews...))

[20:15] Glitch Braess: Just say, well thanks for the interview glitch!

[20:15] Glitch Braess: then I say... This was an interview?

[20:15] Glitch Braess: lol

[20:16] Lolibye Hermit: Well Thanks for the interview Glitch!

[20:16] Glitch Braess: ... This was an interview?

[20:16] Glitch Braess: lol

[20:17] Lolibye Hermit: Yes it was, it is for my blog on interesting people on SL!

[20:17] Glitch Braess: Ooh cool... Alright :)

He is also quite the gentalman! Well this has been a Loli production THE END!

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